Facebook found a better way to fight fake news

Facebook found a better way to fight fake news  The Verge What Facebook’s Fight Against Fake News Got Wrong (And Right)  Co.Design (blog) Facebook swaps fake article flags for fact-checked links  Engadget Facebook news and opinion | City A.M.  City AM News Feed FYI: Replacing Disputed Flags with Related Articles | Facebook Newsroom  Facebook Newsroom Full coverage Source: Google News Read more about Facebook found a better way to fight fake news[…]

Facebook will ditch Disputed Flags on fake news and display links to trustworthy articles instead

Facebook will ditch Disputed Flags on fake news and display links to trustworthy articles instead  TechCrunch Facebook Is Getting Rid Of Its Fact Checking Label And Replacing It With This  BuzzFeed News Facebook dumps ‘disputed flags’ on fake news for context  CNET Full coverage Source: Google News Feed

Pokémon GO Gets Better AR Features, But Only On iOS

Pokémon GO Gets Better AR Features, But Only On iOS  Tech Times Pokemon Go could get Apple ARKit support as soon as Wednesday  AppleInsider (press release) (blog) Pokemon Go’s New AR+ Mode Finally Puts Apple’s ARKit to Good Use  Gizmodo Pokemon – Comicbook.com  Comicbook.com Pokémon Go iOS update will deliver more advanced augmented reality thanks to ARKit  The Verge Full Read more about Pokémon GO Gets Better AR Features, But Only On iOS[…]

What do you think of Apple slowing down older iPhones to account for battery wear? [Poll]

What do you think of Apple slowing down older iPhones to account for battery wear? [Poll]  9to5Mac The real Apple iPhone battery scandal is that it took control away from customers  Business Insider Apple Says This Is Why Your Old iPhone Is Being Slow or Suddenly Shutting Down  TIME iPhone Performance and Battery Age – Geekbench  Geekbench Apple addresses Read more about What do you think of Apple slowing down older iPhones to account for battery wear? [Poll][…]

Apple Updates App Store Guidelines to Relax Restrictive Rules on Template Apps

Apple Updates App Store Guidelines to Relax Restrictive Rules on Template Apps  Mac Rumors Apple revises developer guidelines, restricts ‘loot boxes’ & amends template-generated app ban  AppleInsider (press release) (blog) Apple will waive developer fees for nonprofits and governments in 2018  The Verge Full coverage Source: Google News Feed

As a result of the company's new business development needs, and to enhance its new services, the company LOGO has been revised.

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